Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Several PTO events in danger!

Several PTO events are in danger of being removed from this year's PTO calendar. We don't want to cancel these events, but we currently have no chairpersons! If you can help with either of these events, please let us know as soon as possible!

FLASH Coordinator: FLASH (Fun Learning After School Hours) is a six-week program that provides after-school activities for one-hour a week and is coordinated by PTO at Charlestown School. The purpose of the program is to give the students new and exciting learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom environment. Over 200 students participate in this program each year and we really want to run this program! Currently we have someone to coordinate classes but we need someone to oversee the program. This position requires that the volunteer be available on the following dates: 2/28 2/6 2/13 2/20 2/27 and 4/3 and be at the school from 3 to 5 p.m.
Basket Raffle Coordinator: Our Basket Raffle is held annually with proceeds going to benefit classroom grants. If you like to shop and are a little creative, this is the position for you! Chairs or co-chairs would be great for this event! This event is scheduled for Saturday, April 28.

If you can volunteer for either of these positions, please contact Beth Desrosiers at 364-8848 or