Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The dates have been set for Charlestown School’s FLASH program (Fun Learning After School Hours). Now all that’s needed are some local talented instructors.

FLASH is a six-week program that provides after-school activities for one-hour a week and is coordinated by the Parent Teacher Organization at Charlestown School. The purpose of the program is to give our students new and exciting learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom environment. Over 200 students participate in this program each year.

Past FLASH classes have included karate, arts & crafts, beading, cooking and lego robotics, to name a few. Instructors decide the age of the children they wish to instruct, from kindergartners (age 5) to fourth graders (age 10), and receive $150 for the six-week session. All instructors must have a background check to participate in the program.

Classes are held Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. The 2012 FLASH Dates are: Feb 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3.

You don’t have to be a teacher to teach a FLASH class just willing to show some enthusiastic children how to do something new. Grab a friend and teach a class together!

If you have a talent to share and are interested in teaching a class, please contact Beth Desrosiers at 364-8848 or email desrosiers1@cox.net.