Wednesday, October 26, 2011

UPDATES--Picture Retakes, Pumpkin Glow, Yankee Candle & Book Fair

Picture Retakes are tomorrow, Thursday, October 27. If you want your child’s picture retaken, you must return the entire package on the day of Picture Retakes. If your child was absent on picture day and you need a new picture form, they are available by contacting the school office. If you have any questions about Picture Retake Day, please contact Donna Caster at 364-3545.

Pumpkin Glow forms need to be returned Tomorrow. It’s Not Too Late....You Can Still Register to Attend This Fabulous Family Event! Send in your form by Thursday! The Bubble show begins at 6:30 p.m. become a “Pumpkin Glow” for everyone to enjoy! After the Magic Show, the road behind the school will Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Cookies and juice will be available. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Moffitt.

Yankee Candles--If you haven't picked up your candle order, please contact Beth Desrosiers (364-8848) or Donna Caster (364-3545) as soon as possible.

Volunteers are still needed for Book Fair. If you can help, please contact Mrs. Reiser-Jones.